Aloha Friends,
We are in Ojai this week for our training program and due to requests from some friends, we are opening some of the classes and the kirtan this weekend to the community. The public events will be on Saturday and Sunday at Sacred Space studio in Ojai.
The offerings are:
Saturday, December 10, 2016
3:00pm – 5:30pm
The Psoas : Messenger of the Soul – $25 suggested price ( no one turned away for lack of funds)
Workshop – (2.5 hours)
with Sherry Sidoti RYT + Doula
Join us for this informative and healing workshop we will explore the psoas muscle, the most ancient muscle of the human body affecting our structural balance, muscular integrity, flexibility, strength, range of motion, joint mobility, organ functioning and emotional memory. The psoas is intimately connected with the nervous system and serves as a body brain, composed of bio-intelligent tissue that acts as a hinge between earth/our day to day living and spirit/soul self.
A tired psoas has been the culprit of many physical & emotional ailments, keeping us clenched in physical dis-ease and in our habitual survival and coping patterning of our past trauma/samskaras. A vibrant psoas, on the other hand, is the mark of freedom in body & spirit, helping to soften us into the flow of play and creativity in the Now. The ancients understood the importance of the psoas muscle, which is why in many mystical sciences, the psoas is considered “The Messenger of the Soul”. In this workshop we will locate and learn the function of the psoas, look at the relationship between this muscle brain and our emotions, as well as trauma and patterning in the sympathetic nervous system. We will practice several stretches to maintain a healthy psoas; learn a tension release exercise and end with a powerful psoas release method.
Saturday, December 10, 2016
7:45 pm – 10 pm
Atma Kirtan
with Saul David Raye + Jim Beckwith and friends
Join us for an ecstatic evening of chanting, dancing, meditation & magic.
ATMA KIRTAN : A Soulful Evening of Ecstatic Chanting, Dancing, Meditation and Prayer
with Saul David Raye + Jim Beckwith and Friends
Come together as one for this transforming evening of sacred music and vibration from the heart to the heart – the practice of kirtan. Kirtan is the devotional singing from the Bhakti (Yoga of the Heart) tradition of Indian saints done in an ecstatic and meditative call and response style. Singing and dancing have long been sacred healing practices to awaken the life force, connect us to spirit and embody an ecstatic connection to the Divine force that sustains all life. Join Saul and special guests for this ecstatic, expansive and raw evening of diving deep into the nectar of the heart. This evening is open to all ages and we invite you in the spirit of LOVE to come and experience the powerful unifying and healing vibrations of kirtan.
Sunday, December 11 – $25
9:30 am – 12 pm
Embracing Wholeness: Yoga of Body, Mind + Soul
Yoga Master Class with Saul David Raye + Live music with Jim Beckwith
Join us for this special master class as we delve into some of the most essential yogic teachings on the holistic nature of body, mind and soul. The ancient yogi’s envisioned a map of consciousness wherein all levels of being and consciousness are connected to one source through LOVE and that we each have access to this source of being at any moment. Yoga is a holistic practice for body, mind and soul and the fullness of Yoga is experienced as we open to the deeper dimensions of our own being. Join us for a soul-full inner exploration as we dive teachings on the koshas, the nature of the soul (atma), karma and the non-dual philosophy of bhakti and vedanta. We will also have a full practice of heart / soul-centered yoga practice, breath work, chanting, live music and the power of community.