Co-Creating Radiant Health & Energy with Purium Superfoods

Organic ~ Non-Gmo ~ Gluten Free ~ Vegan

25% Discount of your first order with the code – RITAM1008 – Click Here


Welcome Family &  Friends !

This page has been created to share information about the Purium Superfoods that i and my family are using and why i am working with Purium as an affiliate. This is my own personal page and is not an official Purium page. If you decide you would like to try any of the products, you can check out my personal affiliate page on the Purium website –  or just use my code RITAM1008 for the 25 % discount.

There is also a 60 day money back guarantee!

Personal Experience

In this life and certainly in these times, there is no greater wealth than health. With radiant health and energy we can all go more towards our dreams and creating the best life possible. I have worked many people over the years helping them to create more health, peace and balance in their lives through yoga, meditation, music and private sessions. I have also worked personally with many types of supplements and super foods and products. I have found that some work for me and some don’t and that some are better quality than others. Over the years, I have found some things that really work for me, Purium in my experience not only creates highest quality and vibration superfoods and supplements but is also a very energetic company dedicated to uplifting people and planet and creating health and wealth for all. Purium is also leading the way with eco-conscious production and packaging.

My experience with Purium began about five years ago, I used their basic core four products for some months and really enjoyed them. Each time i used it, I felt energized and clear, well nourished and found the products to be very econmical, easy to use and most of all, EASY TO DIGEST! For various reasons, I stopped using the products but in the back of my mind I thought someday I would return to use the products because I like them so much. In the last few years  as it has become more apparent that the pollution of our food, water and air supply is rampant and that this truly has tragic consequences for our health and wellbeing. The depletion of nutrients in the soil means that many of us are not getting proper nutrition and nourishment from our food. I have been looking for something to help me energize my body and mind, alkalinize my body and most of all help me and my family detox ‘glyphosate’.

Perhaps the most pervasive and perverted toxin that has been inserted into our food and water supply is ‘glyohosate’ ( through Monsanto’s Round Up). This toxic product has been linked to cancer, to gut problems and a host of other health conditions. It is truly a carcinogenic substance, lawsuits have been fought and won against this heinous product and the company that makes it. But the problem is that it is still in our food supply.

More than any other reason the inspiration for me to start using Purium products again was the understanding of how much it has seeped into our food supply. So I wanted to take extra measures for myself, my family and friends and to try and ensure as much nutritional support as possible and to detox glyphosate.

Purium’s revolutionary Product ‘Biome Medic’ is an amazing product, it not only has been clinically shown to reduce glyphosate in the human gut by up to 75%, but it also helps to heal and repair the gut, which is one of the main foundations of our health, energy and immune system. With all that we are beginning to understand in the current times about the importance of our ‘gut biome’ and function and how it relates not only to our own health, but to the health of the planet, this is in my opinion a remarkable product.

It is really tragic to understand how polluted and toxic so much of our food and water have become and with the preponderance of glyphosate in our food supply, it can be down right depressing. But all hope is not lost, there are many things we can do to help create better health and well being for ourselves and our loved ones.

1) Eating healthy organic, non gmo fresh food that is free of glyphosate!
2) Getting good exercise and spending time in Nature!
3) Get a  good nights sleep!
4) Create a lower stress lifestyle.
5) Practice yoga, breathwork and meditation.
6) Figure out what you love to do and go after it!


I personally love the Purium products i am using and feel great. The ingredients used in Purium products are highest quality, they are organic GMO free, pesticide free and full of healthy nutrients that your body can use. Many of the formulas are time tested and work for a wide array of people. So if you want to give it a try, you can check out the products that i am using below and use the link to find out about even more products that Puirum offers.

Purium Superfoods work out to be less than $6 a day for 1 meal replacement and $11 a day for 2 meals, that includes; Power Shake, Super Amino’s, Biome Medic and Apothe-Cherry! Compare that to the price of a smoothie, a meal on the go or coffee and pastry! When you think of what the ingredients are and how much nutrition you’re putting into your body with these products the value is amazing.

More Information + Ordering 
I am sharing these products because i use them, i believe in the purity and potency of the products and in the intention of the company. I am not a medical professional and cannot give you medical advice. However the products used in these formulas are all natural, organic and have their own health properties. Do your own research, talk with your health care team and if you are inspired you can find more info on Purium products. I would not be promoting these products if i was not using them myself and believe them to be safe and effective.

If you want to learn more about the products, you can use this link –
Please use my code RITAM1008 for a 25% discount. i also receive a commission. ( You dont have to use the code if you use my link above).

If you gave any questions, please feel free to email me at [email protected]

If you would like to join the weekly call that Kind Human Team offers each week, send me an email and i will connect you with the team.

Wishing you all radiant health, peace and prosperity.
saul david raye


Business Opportunity

Purium is a direct marketing company which means they do not use stores use network arketing. This allows for those who would like to share the products to become afiliates and make comssions. I will be honest with you, i have never been a fan of network marketing mainly because i am not a good salesman and it is not something i like to put energy into. However i like these products so much and i am convinced that they can help many people create more energy, health and abundance in their lives that i have decided to go for it.
I have joined a group within purium that is dedciated to educating and helping others, it is called the ‘Kind Human Team’. So if you decide to try these products out for yourself and your family and wish to learn more about the business side of things there is a weekly call and lots of support to do that.

And if you wish to just order the products each month for yourself and your family, you can use my link to get 25% off. And if you set up a ‘smart order’ for each month you will continue to get 25% off. You can cancel anytime.


60 day Money Back Guarantee
Purium offers a 60 day money back guarantee. Check the website for details.


Getting in Shape and Achieving Your Ideal Weight
Many people have had amazing results to loose weight and energize their health. Results vary of course, but what i can say from my own experience is that the products energize me and it is easy to skip a meal using the power shake and super aminos.


The Core 4 utilizes the 4 main products listed below. The cost is $179 for a 30 day supply, less than $6 a day.

Power Shake – Main meal replacement energy shake. Alkalizing, cleansing and energizing.

Super Aminos 23 – Pure protein Amino acids. Taken with power Shake. ”

Biome Medic’- to help heal and repair the gut.
PrebioSure™ Digestive Wheat Germ Extract, Chicory Root Fiber Extract, HumicSure™ Fulvic & Humic acid blend, Lactospore®

Apothe-Cherry – organic, sour cherry concentrate contains a wide variety of unique antioxidants and phytochemicals to help balance circadian rhythms, support healthy joint function and promote healthy uric acid metabolism. May help: Improve sleep Reduce free radical damage Beautify skin

** Core 4 Plus Immune – adds  Zinc-Ade for Immune Health.


Ultimate Lifestyle Transformation Pack

Includes All of the above products plus a super cleanser for the parasties, bugs and toxins in the colon is added with a 2 month supply.
This is what i ordered to super charge my results and if you can afford it and are interested in creating health and finding your ideal weight this is a great place to start.

**Plus Immune – adds  Zinc-Ade for Immune Health
You can also choose the Ultimate Lifestyle Transformation Pack with Zinc Ade.


You can order all the products separately also.

If you gave any questions, please feel free to email me at [email protected]

If you want to learn more about the products, you can use this link –
Please use my code RITAM1008 for a 25% discount. i also receive a commission. ( You dont have to use the code if you use my link above).