Sun, Moon & Fire Teachers Immersion – The Confluence of Wisdom, Devotion and Spirit !
Date and location to be determined – 2017
9 day Residential or non-residential program at a beautiful private space in Ojai with Daily healing Ayurvedic and vegetarian food, community and daily practice of Yoga, meditation, pranayama and chanting.
In this module of the Atma Yoga SOUL Immersion & Holistic Yoga 3oo hour Advanced Studies Program we will hone our skills as passionate, committed teachers and students of this sacred art and science. We will dive deeply into therapeutics, yoga therapy, & holistic anatomy. With lots of hands-on adjustments, healing touch and practice teaching. As well as learning tools to deepen our spiritual practice and be authentic and inspired teachers. As in all modules there will be daily practice of yoga, pranayama meditation and chanting, living ayurvedic practices, nourishing organic food, sat-sang – learning together in all areas of yoga.
Included in this module:
* Daily Practice of Holistic Yoga practice (Asana, pranyama, meditation and chanting)
* Honing and deepening your teaching skills
* Yoga Therapy suggestions – working with Classes & Individuals
* Therapeutics within Asana + Pranayama
* Working with Injuries
* Detailed Holistic Yoga Anatomy Studies
* Seeing and Reading bodies
* Practice teaching with feedback
* Use of props / Modifications for poses
* Tools for Authentic Inspired teaching
* Creating inspired classes, teaching opportuinites
* Yoga Nidra + Deep Relaxation practices
* Assisting / ADJUSTMENTS
* Holistic Sequencing & Teaching tools
* Teaching different kinds of groups, classes and settings
* Guru-Twa- Listening & Connecting to your Inner Teacher
* Integrating the teachings in your own Authentic & empowered way
* Practicing & teaching Meditation
* Yogic Fire Ceremony for empowerment and success in Yoga