Join Saul at SunWater Spa for this day of yoga focused on the lower body in the first of two parts of this series.
PART ONE: Focus on lower body; legs, hips, sacrum and low back
Sunday, November 11 from 11:00 am to 1:15 pm
The second part details are below:
PART TWO: Focus on upper body; Upper back, shoulders, neck & spine
Sunday, December 16th from 11:00 am to 1:15 pm
$25 per class/per participant
Join Renowned Yoga Teacher + Mantra Music Artist Saul David Raye at SunWater Spa!
A conscious practice of rejuvenation and renewal is essential in our modern world for health, balance and peace.
Please join us as we explore powerful yogic teachings of Atma (Soul), Soma (spiritual essence of water), Prana (Life force) Maha Bhoutas (5 elements) within a Yoga practice. How we can bring more fluidity, restoring and rejuvenating power to our practice and life. We will also explore somatic principles of movement and patterns of rejuvenation in our body, mind & nervous system. This class will include lecture and embodied practice of asana, pranayama, meditation & chanting and the option to soak at in the healing tubs at SunWater Spa.
Come awaken and explore the river of life within. Aum Somaye Namah.
Both sessions are complete in themselves, you can do one or both.
To register, follow this link to SunWater Spa.