May 14-21, 2019
Vedanta Spiritual Retreat Center, California Hot Springs
Re-inspire your Practice & Teaching!
80+ Hour Atma Yoga Immersion Training + Retreat
with Saul David Raye
and special guest teachers Kristin English & Deepak Swarup
8 day Immersion for teachers and students of yoga wishing to deepen their practice in the study of heart/breath/soul centered yoga. Teachings rooted in Ayurveda, Hatha, Tantra & Bhakti schools and incorporating healing somatic principles and exercises in a non-competitive and life-affirming approach. The emphasis is on self-practice, self knowledge for ones own experience and over time to learn to share (teach) others on the path.
Foundation module in both 200 & 300 hour programs.
Prana, Soma and Soul are key teachings within the understanding and practice of Yoga.
Prana is the life force or current and it is all pervading, it is the energy of the Universe. It is most concentrated in our breath and therefore also relates to our breathing.
Soma is the esseence of rejuvenation, it is the fluid nature of water, of life and where we derive the word ‘Somatic or somatics’. It is eseential to health and rejuvenation.
Soul or Atma in sanskrit, is perhaps one of the most important concepts to understand in Yoga. It is the essence of our being, our deeper nature and yoga since its inception is a soul based and soul centered practice which connects us back to the ‘Source’ of our being.
We will integrate yogic and tantra teachings with somatic work and Ayurveda into our practice, teaching and being.
We will also take time to be in nature and soak in the healing waters of California hot springs.
A week of yoga, transformational teachings, music, chanting held within the container of practice and community.
Course Includes
• Yoga Science of the Soul / Embodied Holistic Approach to Yoga + Life
• Prana Vidya ( Science of Prana) / Essential teaching for Yogi’s
• Soma based practices as the Essence of the Rejuvenation
• Asana, Pranayama, Mudra, Bandha + Dhyana as an integrated process
• Somatics within yoga & Somatic yoga exercises + practices
• Daily Meditation practice – Vedic + Tantric + Somatic based Meditation practices
• Developing intuition & healing presence
• Holistic Adjustments / Physical + Energetic Alignment in Asana
• Bhakti Yoga: The Path of the Heart. Mantras + Chants for Healing
• Holistic Sequencing + Practices for healing, reflection + awakening
• Asana as EMBODIED Tantra
• Restorative Yoga for Rejuvenation
• Ananda Rasa: Cultivating the path of joy + bliss
• Atma Vichara – Yoga as the process of Soul Inquiry
• Pancha Maha-Bhoutas – 5 Elements for healing and rejuvenation
• Practice Teaching / Assisting as a practice of bhakti (devotion) + seva ( service)
• $1800 – Shared Room / early bird
• $1500 – Camping
• Deposit $500
• Payment plans are available. Please contact the office [email protected].