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Ancient Sun: Pranayama and Meditation Immersion Training in Bali

October 29, 2018 - November 2, 2018

Ancient Sun: Pranyama and Meditation Immersion Training – 35 + Hours

“Make friends with your Breath, it will introduce you to your soul.” ~ Shailendra Sharma

Breath practices and Meditation are essential to all ancient healing traditions including Yoga. Breathing is the most essential life function, it governs the flow of life energy and affects every other physiological function. Learning to breathe correctly (most of us do not) can radically affect our health, energy and spiritual connection. Meditation is the root practice within sacred traditions for self knowledge, inner peace and spiritual awakening.

In this program we will dive into the ancient healing sciences of pranayama and meditation. We will learn about the ancient science of breath and how to use the breath for healing, peace, longevity and awakening. Breath is the key that that unlocks the power of the Universe, this program will help you develop a powerful healing breathwork practice and meditation practice and the tools to share with others.

Space is limited.

To reserve your space a $500 non-refundable deposit is required.

Topics and Practices During Immersion:

-Yoga Science of the Soul / Embodied holistic approach to yoga and life

-Prana Vidya (Science of Prana) / Essential teaching and practices for Yogi’s

-MASTER 3-part yogic BREATHING- one of the most important yogic breathing technique!

-Most essential pranayamas (breathing techniques for health, peace and longevity)

-Learn about and master the main types of pranayama; cleansing, energizing, balancing, heating, cooling

-Learn to practice and teach a 30 minute pranayama practice that energizes body, mind and soul

-The three bandhas (Mula, Jalandhar, Uddiyana and the four extra bandhas – essential for controlling prana

-Spinal and chakra breathing for awakening

-Ancient solar and lunar rejuvenation techniques

-Ecstatic Breathing – using the breath to awaken the bliss body

-Correct posture for breathing and anatomy of the breath

-The spine as the Tree of LIFE

-Gayatri mantra as solar breathing

-How to develop a powerful meditation practice and learn to share it with others.

-Meditation in the yoga tradition

-Upanishadic meditations, Tantric meditation, Mantra meditation

-Nada yoga meditation and meditation on cosmic sound current

-Anahata nada: meditation on the cosmic sound current within the heart

-Heart / Soul-centered meditation

-How to teach meditation to all levels of students

We will also visit some of the sacred sites in Bali.

The cost for the immersion is $1008.
Cost includes lodging, food, all classes, program materials & manual. Join us for both programs ( Prana, Soma, Soul and receive 10% off each program )

Hours count toward our Atma Yoga Certification program, as well as Yoga Alliance Continuing Education credit.

For more information or to register, please email Natalie in the Ritam Healing Arts office at [email protected].


October 29, 2018
November 2, 2018
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October 29, 2018
November 2, 2018
Event Categories:
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