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21 Day Online Sadhana

September 1, 2016 - September 22, 2016

21+ Day Online- Group Sadhana Practice !
Love is stronger than Fear ! (Manifesting with LOVE + POSITIVE ENERGY !)
September 1 – 22, 2016
New Moon Solar Eclipse to the Fall Equinox
with Saul David Raye + Special Guests
via the World Wide Web + Tele-Conference Calls
When: September 1st – September 22 ( From the New Moon to the Fall Equinox)
Where: Wherever you are / You will need computer access, an internet connection and a phone line for the calls.
Cost: Sliding scale – $21 – $108
Dear Friends,
Namaste. I invite you to join us for our next 21 + day supported group sadhana practice. We will come together during the time between the next new moon and the fall equinox. The potent new moon on 9/1 is also a solar eclipse and marks a powerful new cycle of activation both personally and collectively. Our journey together will take us all the way to the Fall equinox which arrives on the morning of 9/22 ( in the US). Each online group sadhana has been a magical and uplifting process in which we come together as spiritual community, support each other in deepening our spiritual practice and create positive life shifts through the power of shared practice and community.
The theme of this 21 day group sadhana practice will be ‘LOVE is stronger than fear: (Manifesting with LOVE + POSTIVE ENERGY ! Love is the source of existence and when we tap into the source we are able access more energy in every area of life. Everyday we choose and create with either Love or fear. The collective is the mirror of our personal experience. We are all connected and that is revealed more and more each day: we share the same earth the same breath in the same future. For those of us on the spiritual path it is important that we continue to have faith in the power of love and create with that love. That takes dedication devotion and most of all perseverance. Our shared practice will focus on techniques to help us tap into the power of love within and the unlimited energy of Source that we are all made of. These programs are a great support in strengthening our own inner practice and being supported in an container of loving wisdom and inspiration.
Sadhana includes:
* Group support & guidance for your own 21 day Sadhana practice
* The power of spiritual community through shared intention and presence
* Daily teachings + inspiration + support to tap into your positivity + creative power
* Mantra’s for health, peace and prosperity
* Guided Meditations and deep relaxation with saul
* 4 Teaching / Sangha Calls with Saul
* Online private Face book group for sharing, connecting & support
* Powerful affirmations + techniques to tap into the positive creative power of the mind
* Getting clear about what you want to create with LOVE
* Universal Peace Meditation + Chant
*The teaching calls will be recorded and you can listen on your own time. The daily practices and meditations will be accessible through the internet and you will be able to use the course to support your own inner practice.
* Exchange is on a sliding scale from $21 – $108…
Pay what feels in alignment withd what you can afford and the benefit you receive.
To register: Please send paypal: [email protected] and specify ’21 day sadhana’ or contact the office to make arragments – [email protected] .
Upon regsitration we will send you more info for the course.
Group Teaching Calls
Group Calls will be on the following dates at 7pm PST.
Each call will be about 60 -75 minutes and be recorded so if you cannot listen to the live call you will be able to listen to the recording via a link. A call in number will be provided to all participants.
Thursday Sept 1 – New Moon / Solar Eclipse
Tuesday Sept 6th
Wednesday 14th
Tuesday Sept. 20th
To Support each person in making positive, powerful changes in our lives, through inspiration, teachings, community and guided and supported practice. To deepen in strength and faith of heart and create with LOVE.
For Who:
For anyone who wants to join this process and make positive shifts in their life and would like support in doing this.
When, Where, What ?
How much time will it take has become a mantra of our time. Of course life is busy so we want this to be simple, practical and useful. There will be (4) 1+ hour calls to share teachings and support all of us throughout the process. Each day there will be a teaching, affirmation and practice ( some days will be repeated as to give time to give enough to do the practices). These will be shared through a private face book group (you are not on Facebook, it will be emailed to you.) The private Facebook group is set up and provides a safe space for everyone to share and support each other, a container with in the process. If you do not have Facebook you can still participate through the lessons and for the calls. In our experience having closed groups during a process focuses and personalizes the energy and is of great support for everyone during the process. To be clear this is not to exclude anyone, the private group allows the energy to be focused, contained and intimate so the energy of the group is honored and held.
* Exchange for the Program
We are offering this program on a sliding scale from $21 to $108. Pay according to what you can afford and find value in the program. If you are in a financial hardship and cannot afford $21, please send us a short email and we will make it available to you. We create value in our world by giving energy and value to what is important to us – this is the principle of energy exchange, energy exchange is an important part of the universal flow and exchange of life energy.
* Registration is thru paypal, please specify 21 day program and you will be registered. If you would like to make other arrangements please email us in the office – [email protected]
Testimonials –
Yes! Yes! Yes! Saul David Raye’s Atma Yoga Teachings have deepened my practice and opened my heart to Bhakti LOVE. Stepping into Saul’s Atma Sangha is like being embraced by light and love while being fully seen. Most surprising is how FB is miraculously providing a deep and expansive container to continue the journey together. I can feel the power and pure intention of the community from afar and I am able to bring the practice into my daily life. With love, blessings and gratitude.
~ EG
“a unique sadhana with a daily theme, inspiration, and guided practice, each day building upon the last, creating a potent and powerful personal experience with the guidance, support and exponential powers of the collective. I loved it so much!”
~ DH San Francisco
“Experience exactly what you are destined to with the support and energy of a group! My first sadhana with Saul, I deepened my trust in my own knowing of my path, shared when what I was holding was too much to hold alone, and watched and listened quietly when my energy was low. I am in a major healing transition right now, and I firmly believe being in this group and doing the best I could each day helped me on this journey, keeping me protected and opening doors to love internally
and externally!” FR, Nashville


September 1, 2016
September 22, 2016
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September 1, 2016
September 22, 2016
Event Category:

