Sangha Yoga Festival & Cuatro Vientos 
are pleased to present a very special master class on Wednesday December 14th

Human Heart Cosmic Heart ~ Healing Yoga, Meditation + Chanting for Transforming Times

With Saul David Raye, Brenda Mcmorrow & Girish
& Yoshi Aono

When: Wednesday December 14th, 2022
4 pm to 6:30 pm

Where: Cuatro Vientos Studio / Todos Santos Mexico
a PORTION of the proceeds will go to benefit ‘The Enlightenment Stupa Project in Todos Santos’

Program Description: 2.5 hour master class with live music + chanting

We are living in a time of great awakening and transformation both individually and collectively. The human heart holds the keys to our transformation at both a personal and planetary level. The Heart is the seat of our vital force, our spiritual essence and our deepest feeling and aliveness. Ancient spiritual traditions along with artists, poets, musicians as well as modern science have all been fascinated by the human heart and how to tap into it and understand its profound energy and affect on our being. The next level of our evolution is tied into the awakening and integration of  H E A R T  Consciousness.

Join us for this uplifting and healing practice as we explore together teachings (both ancient and modern), practices and tools to help us all tap into the power and magic of our hearts.

This master class will include a short dharma reflection, practice of heart / soul centered yoga, beautiful live music, ecstatic chanting and community.

Non-competitive, breath/heart centered practice, – All levels are welcome.


Location ~ Cuatro Vientos / C. Horizonte 21, Brisas del Pacífico, 23300 Todos Santos, B.C.S., Mexico
website –

Date + Time – Wednesday December 14 / 4pm to 6:30 pm

Cost + Registration

$35 in advance or at the door – If you register in advance we will hold a space for you or just come :)
Space is limited to about 40 people

Payment Methods
Venmo – @soulnadi / saul david raye  ( no fee)  – Please specify Todos Santos Class!

To register with paypal or credit card –

You can also email us  – [email protected]